The Clinical Skills Center has a fully equipped Simulation Lab. The main features of the lab are our high fidelity patient simulators. They all have the ability to simulate bleeding, breathing, and speaking and are equipped with audible heart, lung, and bowel sounds.
These simulators can be pre-programmed to mimic a wide variety of conditions and is applicable to a wide variety of disciplines including Anesthesia, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Emergency Medicine, to name a few. Our high fidelity simulators include adult, pediatric, obstetric and neonatal manikin models.
iStan is our adult wireless patient simulator. His advanced physiology and functionality combined with the capacity to create an array of patient scenarios allows for unlimited training possibilities.
Lucina Fidelis
Lucina Fidelis is our wireless obstetric simulator used for maternal/fetal training. Her abilities span all stages of pregnancy from prepartum to delivery to postpartum. She not only allows for training of normal deliveries but also emergency care scenarios such as breech, shoulder dystocia and postpartum hemorrhage. Lucina responds automatically to obstetric maneuvers and clinical interventions.
Pedi, modeled after a 6-year-old child, is our pediatric simulator and is used for training in pediatric critical care emergencies. Since children and adults don't necessarily respond the same to medications, treatments, and procedures, Pedi is programmed to appropriately replicate the physiologic parameters and medical responses of a young child. He is a valuable resource in pediatric critical care training.
Newborn Hal
Baby Hal is our 40-week tetherless newborn simulator. He is conveniently located with Lucina in the obstetric suite, allowing for patient "hand-off" scenarios involving Lucina's labor and delivery features and the emergent neonatal scenarios of baby Hal. Although Hal is the smallest of our high fidelity simulators his features and abilities are certainly comparable.